Post-Trauma Cleanup: Restoring Safety and Sanity after Traumatic Events

Post-Trauma Cleanup: Restoring Safety and Sanity after Traumatic Events

In the recent Netflix Kdrama “Move to Heaven” – which was a roller coaster of emotions – we see a unique profession known as “trauma cleaners.” These individuals are responsible for cleaning up the aftermath of tragic and traumatic events such as suicides, homicides, and accidents. While the portrayal of this profession in the show seemed dramatic and made us overwhelmed with emotions, the reality is that trauma cleaning is a necessary and critical service for ensuring the safety and health of the public. In this article, we will explore the world of trauma cleaning, including what it is, how it’s done, and the importance of this service in our communities.

What is Post Trauma Cleanup?

What is Post Trauma Cleanup?Post Trauma Cleanup, also known as Trauma Scene Management, is a specialized service that involves cleaning and sanitizing areas where traumatic events have occurred. Traumatic events can range from homicides, suicides, and unattended deaths to industrial accidents, crime scenes, and other situations that involve the release of biohazardous material.

Trauma cleaners are specially trained to handle these situations, including the removal of blood, bodily fluids, and tissue, and the disinfection and deodorization of the affected area. They use specialized equipment, including personal protective gear, disinfectants, and cleaning agents, to ensure that the area is thoroughly cleaned and safe for the public. For example, Bettenca Cleaning in Canada works with families, social service organizations, real estate investors, health care professionals, victim service organizations, law enforcement agencies and many others to help during any stressful life event that requires cleanup.

What Causes Trauma Scenes?

Trauma scenes can be caused by a variety of incidents, including homicides, suicides, unattended deaths, and accidents. In many cases, these incidents involve the release of biohazardous material, such as blood, bodily fluids, and tissue, which can be dangerous to human health if not properly handled and disposed of.

Other types of trauma scenes may involve hoarding situations, which can pose a serious health risk due to the buildup of mould, bacteria, and other hazardous materials. Additionally, industrial accidents and other incidents that involve hazardous chemicals or materials may also require trauma cleanup services.

How is Trauma Cleanup Done?

How is Trauma Cleanup Done?Trauma cleanup is a complex and detailed process that requires specialized training, equipment, and expertise. The first step in trauma cleanup is to assess the situation and determine the appropriate course of action. The cleanup crew will then don personal protective equipment, including gloves, masks, and other gear, to protect themselves from biohazardous materials.

The next step is to remove any biohazardous materials from the area, including blood, bodily fluids, and tissue. Once the area is cleared of these materials, the crew will disinfect and deodorize the area using specialized cleaning agents and equipment. Finally, the area is tested to ensure that it is safe for occupancy.

Importance of Post Trauma Cleanup

Post Trauma Cleanup is a critical service for ensuring the safety and health of the public. Traumatic events can be emotionally and physically overwhelming, and the last thing anyone wants to deal with is the aftermath. Trauma cleaners are trained to handle these situations with sensitivity and care, ensuring that the area is thoroughly cleaned and safe for the public.

Additionally, trauma cleanup is essential for preventing the spread of infectious diseases and other health risks. Blood and bodily fluids can contain pathogens that can pose a serious health risk if not properly handled and disposed of.


So, trauma cleanup is a necessary and critical service for ensuring the safety and health of the public. Traumatic events can be emotionally and physically overwhelming, and the last thing anyone wants to deal with is the aftermath. Trauma cleaners at Bettenca Cleaning are specially trained to handle these situations with sensitivity and care, ensuring that the area is thoroughly cleaned and safe for the public. So, call them today for more details!

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