How to Wash Your Knitwear?

How to wash knitted and crocheted garments without damaging them Many of us have a variety of garments and accessories in our homes, but knitted, crocheted, and other handmade items often stand out. Even in these cases, cleaning is a fundamental step that should not be overlooked. How can this type of garment be successfully cleaned? Here are some exciting ideas and valuable tips for effectively washing knitted and crocheted garments.

Washing Knit and Crochet Garments in the Washing Machine

Knitted and crocheted garments must be washed and cleaned regularly but in the right way to avoid damage and make them last as long as possible. For this reason, the classic laundry program is not always correct, but some modern washing machines have the right programs for these types of garments.

It is essential to remember that laundering should be done in a cool, dark, delicate, no-wash environment and with the correct detergent. Make sure to use only the minimum recommended amount of detergent to save money and to avoid staining delicate garments, as too much detergent drop can cause extra strain.

Wool does not emit color, so theoretically different colored garments could be washed together, but such washing is not recommended because many clothes are now made of blended fabrics rather than pure wool, which may lose color during washing.

Another tip is not to fill the basket to the brim, but to keep it about half full to capacity.

8 myths and truths about washing wool

Hand Washing Knit and Crocheted Garments

Hand washing should also be done with cold water and detergent for delicate garments. Remember to use the minimum recommended amount, not only to save money and prevent contamination but also to avoid unnecessary strain on the instructor. Also, when hand washing, be careful not to scrub knit or crocheted garments.

Wool (especially fine cashmere, merino, and alpaca) should be washed and rinsed in cold water to avoid the risk of the garment becoming torn, frayed, or stiff after being washed in hot water and having to be discarded.

How To Remove Stains From Wool Jumpers

Use a solution of half water, half white vinegar, and two drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Rub the stain out with a clean white cotton cloth and wash according to the instructions.

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Drying Knit and Crocheted Garments

Finally, it is important to consider drying, which can compromise the quality of the garment. What should we do? Knit and crochet garments should be spread horizontally on a thin cotton cloth and placed in the shade to let the moisture evaporate and prevent the garment from weighing or deforming. A clothesline can be used for this purpose.

Very lightweight jumpers in particular, should be placed away from heat sources and direct sunlight, since these can cause yellowing. In fact, when exposed to heat, the keratin in wool undergoes chemical changes, causing the fabric to lose its natural elasticity and deform easily.

How to Fix a Felted Wool Garment

Soak the garment in a basin of warm water with a bit of baking soda and rinse it in another basin of warm water with half a cup of glycerin. If the damage is severe, soak the garment in a mixture of water and ammonia (1 teaspoon per liter of water) for one full day.

How to Iron Knit and Crocheted Garments

Place a cotton towel over the garment and avoid direct contact with the heat to prevent the iron from giving the fibers an irreparable sheen. Set the wool program on the iron and always use steam.

Let us know if these few tips have helped you in the comments below!


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