11 Housekeeping Tips For The New Year

The hangover from 2021 is still fresh, but one thing is for sure: a clean house generally makes you feel more secure and happier. To that end, we have prepared some tips to help you keep your home clean and make you feel much better!

1) Make a Promise to Yourself

A good start is crucial. Make a precise arrangement with yourself and plan when you will start doing your chores and reward yourself after you’re done cleaning. By doing so, your brain will associate cleaning with positive events and look forward to doing more cleaning in the future.

2) Set Reminders

Try setting reminders to yourself so that you don’t forget to clean. You can do this by making a note on a bulletin board or using an alarm on your cell phone. Reminding yourself will keep you updated on your home and prevent small tasks from becoming big ones.

3) Use Simple Products

Good tools will make cleaning easier. For example, take a look at the different solutions for washing and ironing. These, too, can make your home more enjoyable, not to mention easier!

Gloves, Cleaning, Clean, To Wash, Hygiene, To Clean

4) Multitasking

Of course, you can sit in front of the washing machine for three hours and wait for the laundry to finish. However, many people choose not to do this and do another task simultaneously to work more efficiently. It doesn’t necessarily have to be cleaning; it can be watching a series or listening to a podcast.

5) Make a To-do List

Create a to-do list through your notes! This way, you can cross off your tasks, which is a nice change of pace. Plus, you won’t forget to do them. For example, you can add a task on a weekday and delete it again on the weekend. And if you don’t neglect to update your list, you will gain more free time on the weekend.

6) Make Tasks Smaller and Divide Them Up

If you have to do everything at once, your “cleaning day” will only get longer, and you feel good about it. Besides, it will be draining when you think you have a lot of work to do. Try to break up the tasks into smaller ones.

7) Keep It Clean

From a technical point of view, you only need to clean your house when it is not neat and tidy. A little life tip is to clean something right away so that you never have to clean it again!

Woman, Window, Cleaning, Person, Female, Housework

8) Manage the Laundry

Managing laundry is a big part of household chores. Our advice is to do the laundry as soon as possible. That way, you’ll always be in control of your laundry. So, choose a laundry basket that can help you with that.

9) Modern Gadgets

Use modern technology in your home. For example, manage your shopping list with Google Drive or keep a household budget with a calendar app! Try to use today’s technology to make your life easier, not harder.

10) Develop a Cleaning Routine

Making a routine will make housework easier. Make a logical schedule that is easy for you to follow and stick to it. You will surely find that the more often you do this schedule, the easier and faster it will become.

11) Analyze Your Actions

Over a week, keep track of how much time you spend on various household chores or the time you spend looking for your car keys every morning. You will surely notice that you will perform certain duties more comfortably. For example, you can hang your keys on a hook in the hallway from now on. Or, you can make a shopping list and write it down as soon as you are done. That way, you won’t forget anything!

If you’re still having issues with house cleaning tasks, you can contact the team at Sheen Cleaning in Melbourne. They will send a fully equipped team of cleaners, whether it’s for deep cleaning or a regular service. Contact them to learn more!

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