How to Clean Stains From Wallpaper
Wallpaper is challenging to take off. It is not moisture-tolerant, prone to tearing, and somewhat explosive.
It is, therefore, preferable to remove wallpaper stains while they are still fresh.
The type of coating affects the treatment that the wallpaper supports:
– Only use a dry cloth, an eraser, or breadcrumbs on non-washable wallpaper.
– Wallpaper that can be washed; however, only very lightly.
– Vinyl wall coverings are waterproof.
– You can wet nonwoven vinyl wallpaper as well.
Be sure to wipe with a clean, dry cloth after treatment.
Chewing gum stains
To remove a chewing gum stain on wallpaper:
– If the wallpaper cannot be treated, replace the strip.
– Otherwise:
◦ Scrape the paste with a spoon to loosen as much dirt as possible.
◦ Rub with a cotton ball moistened with household alcohol.
◦ Sponge with a bit of water.
Chocolate stains
To remove a chocolate stain from wallpaper, blot the stain immediately, so it doesn’t set in!
Milk stains
To remove a milk stain from wallpaper: try to soften the stain with a clean eraser or a bread crumb.
Note: It is possible to remove this dirt with ammonia water on washable wallpaper.
Curry sauce stains
To remove a curry sauce stain from wallpaper:
– If the wallpaper is not cleanable, rub it with a bread crumb.
Another effective detergent is an eraser.
– If the stain remains, replace the wallpaper.
– If the wallpaper is cleanable, dab the stain with a cloth dampened with diluted ammonia.
Salad dressing stains
A vinegar stain on wallpaper: rub the stain with a cloth impregnated tetrachloroethylene.
Only on washable wallpaper.
Asian sauce stains
To remove an Asian sauce stain from wallpaper:
– Press an absorbent cloth on the stain to remove the moisture.
– Rub the remainder with a cloth containing ammonia water.
Mayonnaise stains
To get rid of a mayonnaise stain on wallpaper:
– Pour talcum powder on the stain.
– Let it soak in.
– Brush off.
Grape stains
To remove a grape stain from washable wallpaper:
– Treat the damaged area with a cloth dampened with vinegar.
– Once the stain has disappeared, blot the detergent with an absorbent handkerchief.
Caution: If the upholstery is not washable, try rubbing a bread crumb over the stain. You will need to change the stained sheet if it does not disappear or fade.
Caramel stains
To get rid of a caramel stain on wallpaper:
– Apply a sheet of blotting paper to the stain.
– Change the blotting paper if necessary. – Hold the soleplate of iron to the stain.
Honey stains
A honey stain on wallpaper?
– On washable wallpaper, dab the stain with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol.
Other effective detergents: are ammonia and iron.
– On non-washable wallpaper, it is impossible to remove embedded honey.
Vinegar stains
Dab the stain with a cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide to remove a vinegar stain on the wallpaper.
Note: this stain removal is impossible on non-washable paper.
Beet stains
To remove a beet stain from wallpaper:
– On non-washable wallpaper, apply a bread crumb or a schoolboy eraser.
– On washable wallpaper:
◦ Squeeze a paper towel to remove surface residue.
◦ Rub the remainder with a cloth containing vinegar.
Mustard stains
To remove a mustard stain from wallpaper:
– Rub with a spoon to loosen fresh mustard.
– For the rest, gently apply a sponge of soapy water (preferably from Marseille).
– Do the same with a cloth soaked in ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.
– If stains remain, dab a cotton ball moistened with lemon juice.
– Squeeze a paper towel over the treated area to remove the detergents.
If the wallpaper is not washable, proceed as follows:
– Gently massage the stain with a bread crumb.
– The wallpaper cannot be treated further.
– If this fails, the stained strip must be replaced.
Egg stains
To remove an egg stain from wallpaper:
– Erasing the stain onto a non-washable wallpaper.
– Smear a cotton ball moistened with hydrogen peroxide on washable wallpaper.
Turmeric stains
To clean a turmeric stain on the wallpaper, dab the stain with a cloth soaked in glycerin.
Other effective detergents: rubbing alcohol and ammonia.
Note: if your paper does not tolerate water, you can reduce the stain with an eraser or a bread crumb. If this is not enough, replace the paper.
Beer stains
To remove a beer stain from wallpaper:
– For washable wallpaper, rub the stain with a cloth soaked in vinegar and rinse.
– For non-washable wallpaper, apply an eraser or a bread crumb.
Carrot stains
To remove a carrot stain from wallpaper:
– Apply a cotton ball soaked in vinegar to the stain.
– Rub with a cloth to remove the residue.
Note: If the wallpaper does not wash, place a bread crumb on the stain. After rubbing the breadcrumbs on the stain, you will have to change the wallpaper if it does not disappear sufficiently.
Spinach stains
To remove a spinach stain from an upholstery:
– Dab a cloth soaked in lemon water on the stain.
– Rinse.
Other effective detergents: ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, and alcohol at 90°.