The cleaning market in France is booming. To successfully create your cleaning business, follow these tips! This business is not for everyone.
Conduct a Market Study
Before launching your cleaning business project, conduct a market study. This one has for objective to:
- create a large customer base;
- identify your commercial positioning;
- collect the necessary information to estimate the turnover.
But to do this, you need to analyze the trends in the sector and determine the factors of growth or development. Also, think about the different needs of your future customers. In any case, never forget that the strength of a good cleaning company is based on these three qualities: availability, speed, and discretion. And most importantly, make a detailed study of the competition. Find out what services your competitors offer, how many employees they have, and their rates. Consider their strengths and weaknesses so that you can develop your own strategy.
- Define the equipment to be used and the human resource needs of the business.
- When setting up a cleaning micro-business, you do not need to hire employees. In fact, you will be your own boss, and you will do the work alone.
- For an investment in the office or factory cleaning market, you must work with a trained team and hire qualified personnel.
- Make a list of all the equipment you will need at the outset. Make an estimate that will be included in your financial forecast.
- Choose and determine the legal status of the cleaning company. The choice of the legal status of your cleaning company determines the number of benefits you will be able to enjoy.
- Self-employed: it is very common to start a business on your own. You don’t have many administrative steps to take because the declaration system for this status is simplified.
EURL or Entreprise unipersonnelle à responsabilité limitée: this status allows you to protect your assets.
SAS: this status is highly recommended if you want to start with several people and hire staff.
SARL or Limited Liability Company.
SASU or Société par actions simplifiées unipersonnelle.
To follow a training or to undertake
Depending on the legal status of your company, you may decide to take a training course or start your own business. However, it is always necessary to follow specialized training as a manager to better direct a company and understand its situation.
Writing the Business Plan
The realization of the business plan is essential. Indeed, it is a way to verify that your company is profitable. It also allows you to detail every aspect of your project and determine your initial financing needs. If you seek financing from banks or other potential sources, it can serve as a reference. In this document, introduce:
- your team ;
- your expenses (employee salaries, purchase of materials and equipment, etc.);
- your concept and its strengths;
- your differentiation strategy;
- your approach to the market and how you will deal with any difficulties that may arise.