Are You Bad At Cleaning? Here Are 6 Bad Cleaning Habits To Break ASAP

Are You Bad At Cleaning? Here Are 6 Bad Cleaning Habits To Break ASAP

Is your one-bedroom apartment unquestionably filthy? Is your kitchen all grimy and greasy? Are your closets drowning with the overflowing quantity of stuff? Have you noticed that cockroach infestation throughout your house – okay, maybe you are not there…yet!

No matter how much you ask or force them, there are some who are unable to clean and tidy things up.

I’m just plain bad at it!

Wrong! You might be a slob, but you can’t be bad at cleaning.

Cleaning is not some kind of complex pursuit like maths. You can be bad, really bad at calculus but you can’t be that much bad at cleaning.

Unless you’ve got a physical disability, I think the main problem lies in your daily habits. It’s all a matter of shifting your focus from “just living amidst the mess” to “dealing with kitchen sink full of dirty dishes and shelving spaces packed with clothes.”

Never Allow Paper Clutter To Accumulate

Never Allow Paper Clutter To Accumulate

The war starts with the worst challenge.

With online buying, banking and billing, paper clutter accumulate for various reasons, but the end result is always the same: you are overwhelmed by the stack of papers, don’t know where to start and they end up on the kitchen table. Avoid this!

If you won’t have the time to sort through these papers during weekdays, create a small place near the entryway to keep all your mails, bills, flyers and catalogs. Then, take the weekend to go through them – throwing away junk mail, old and unimportant papers and keeping your bills in a folder.

Don’t Leave Wet Towels

Don’t Leave Wet Towels

I guess it’s quite normal for some to leave wet towels in a heap on the floor, especially if they “love” spending more and more time in the laundry room. But, if you want to lighten your laundry load, pick up the habit of hanging wet towels to dry.

Avoid Leaving Dirty Dishes In The Sink

Avoid Leaving Dirty Dishes In The Sink

I don’t know if it’s irresponsible behavior, lack of personal hygiene or pure laziness that trained some to leave dirty dishes in sink, but unless you want to create a breeding ground for bacteria and give jackpot to hungry insects, start putting the dishes in the dishwasher or wash them immediately.

Stop Hoarding Food In The Fridge

Stop Hoarding Food In The Fridge

What is the psychology behind people who hate leftovers but who still stash them in the refrigerator?

I’ll never understand this. But, if there’s one bad habit you have to break to keep your kitchen neat and tidy, stop tossing away food that’s just going to end up forgotten, promoting bacteria and mold growth.

Do Not Leave Your Bed Unmade

Do Not Leave Your Bed Unmade

There’s a reason why someone said, “If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.” 

While your bedroom might never grace the front page of a decorating magazine, there is no reason to keep your bed unmade and make your bedroom look messy.

Adopt this simple task that doesn’t take much time and you’ll be breaking a bad habit.

Don’t Wear Outside Shoes Inside The House

Don’t Wear Outside Shoes Inside The House

There are two types of people in this world: some who walk around the house in their outside shoes and some who keep them in a shoe tray that’s close to the door. While I’m not going to debate over the pros and cons, there’s one significant reason why I think it’s better to slip your shoes off when you walk inside – it’s not about saving you hours of vacuuming. I’m going for straight and blunt –it’s because of poop.

Walking to a nearby shop or going out for a run, there’s no way you can keep track of all the kinds of gross stuff that get stuck on the bottom of your shoes. And, if we take Dr. Charles Gerba’s words, “If you’ve gone out with the same pair of shoes for more than a month, 93 percent chances of having fecal bacteria on the bottom of them.”

So, if you want to keep your house clean, stop wearing outside shoes inside the house.









  1. […] a real issue; this is why you need to deal with it as soon as you spot it. So, if you ever see black mold in your home, you can get rid of yourself or can call a team of professionals who will do a sweep […]

  2. […] your pet lead a healthy and happy life. However, it isn’t always easy to keep the house clean. Many people find it difficult to find the time and energy to sweep, vacuum, dust and mop. However, your efforts will pay off and your pet will be physically […]

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