How to Get Rid of Mustard Algae in Your Pool

How to Get Rid of Mustard Algae in Your Pool

How to Get Rid of Mustard Algae in Your Pool


– How to recognize mustard algae?

– How to get rid of mustard algae?

The problem of algae growth in swimming pool water is a recurring one. However, we often talk about algae in general without specifying their nature. It is essential to determine the color of the algae (black, green, or mustard) to apply the most appropriate treatment. This post looks at mustard algae: knowing it better means having a better chance of getting rid of it quickly.

How to recognize mustard algae?

How to Get Rid of Mustard Algae in Your Pool

Origin of mustard seaweed

Mustard algae, also known as “yellow algae”, is probably the most difficult to treat of all those that can colonize your pool.

It is a germ that clings to dust and ends up in the pool because of rain and wind.

Good to know: the affected pools are located within a radius of several kilometers. In other words, it cannot be just one pool that is contaminated: the contamination will affect an entire neighborhood or area.

The areas that are particularly sensitive to this algae are, therefore, very windy regions.

 Characteristics of mustard algae

Mustard seaweed has the following characteristics:

– It is of dark yellow color, close to the ochre;

– It comes in the form of a very volatile powder deposited on the walls and bottom of the pool. Its particularity is that it rises up when the vacuum cleaner passes over it and is therefore not sucked up by it. For this reason, its presence can be confused with a certain turbidity of the water;

– Conventional anti-algae treatments are totally ineffective in fighting against it.

How to get rid of mustard algae?

How to Get Rid of Mustard Algae in Your Pool

There is obviously a treatment to get rid of these algae. As it is a germ, it is important to treat not only the pool but everything that has been in the pool when the water was contaminated: children’s toys, floating objects, cleaning equipment, etc.

Attention: as with any anti-algae treatment, it is advisable to check the pH level. Otherwise, the treatment will be much less effective.

The mustard anti-algae treatment is specific to this variety and can be used as a curative and preventive treatment twice during the season.

This product contains a bromide salt which must be oxidized to release its potential. It is, therefore, imperative to couple it with the disinfectant usually used to treat the pool: chlorine, bromine, active oxygen, etc. The dosages indicated by the manufacturer must be scrupulously followed for the perfect efficiency of the treatment.

As always, it is imperative to wait a few hours before swimming. If the water is turbid after the treatment, a flocculent sock should clear up the turbidity.

Tip: Mustard algae are wind-borne germs, so it is difficult to avoid them. For this reason, preventive treatment is necessary in windy regions. Good decontamination of the objects present in the pool also avoids a return of the mustard algae.

Most pool dealers or online pool sites offer mustard algae remover in the range of $15 to $25 for a 1 kg jar.

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