Top 5 Tips To Keep Your Offices Clean

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Healthy professional premises that respect hygiene standards are essential to your company’s image and an excellent working atmosphere with your employees. Cleanliness is everyone’s business, so it is possible to reach this common objective more easily by raising awareness with your employees and implementing some good practices of “living well together”.

It often doesn’t take much to keep your workspace clean daily until the professionals assigned to this task pass by. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true if some people persist in their bad habits. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things you need to know about keeping your workplace clean.

1. Encourage your employees to regularly tidy their workspace


To ensure the proper hygiene of your premises, it is important to use common sense. Thus, systematically tidying up your workspaces seems basic, but it is a very good start. If you have your workspace, you should not forget that it is part of a common environment. To preserve the “good life together”, encourage each employee to invest in keeping at least his or her desk clean. Everyone should take a few minutes to clean their office before leaving in the evening and put away their personal belongings and the objects they use daily.

2. Set up awareness campaigns

Due to lack of time, fear of harming the general atmosphere, or simply because it is not considered important, employee awareness is often put aside. However, there is nothing negative about organizing a small reminder of good manners within a company. It is an essential subject for a happy and healthy atmosphere when living in a community. So don’t hesitate to organize information and awareness campaigns for your employees on these issues via posters, meetings, collective events, or messages left on the network.

Cleaning your keyboard, washing your hands on a regular basis, eating in a dedicated space (when possible) rather than above your desk… All these small gestures do not come naturally to everyone. The idea of an effective awareness campaign is to create automatisms in everyone’s mind. If you and your employees don’t have the time to work on it or if you think you are not efficient enough, you can always resort to a cleaning service.

3. Organize a common weekly schedule

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As we have seen above, cleanliness is everyone’s business. Knowing this, the use of a common weekly schedule with a rotation and a fair distribution of tasks between employees will simplify your task considerably. The use of the schedule also has the advantage of helping the members of the company to feel invested, and therefore directly concerned, by the common activity of maintenance of the premises. As the whole structure is encouraged to do its part, the collective strength makes it possible to achieve a continuous standard of cleanliness with a minimum of effort.

4. Encourage sick people to telecommute

Cleanliness of your premises does not only involve the elimination of dirt and dust. It’s also about preventing bacteria and viruses from swarming around you (on contact surfaces, door handles, computer keyboards, etc.). A recent study by the University of Arizona showed that employees are exposed to more than 10 million germs and bacteria daily in their workspace. It is therefore recommended to avoid further contamination by encouraging sick people to stay home temporarily, take a sick day or telecommute.

5. Use a professional cleaning company for your cleaning

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If the cleanliness can be maintained by mobilizing all the employees, there are always tasks that you cannot perform yourself. Indeed, some cleaning jobs require technical skills and equipment, which are sometimes expensive, and it is impossible to mobilize internally. In addition, some dirt is invisible at first glance, and only an expert eye will be able to determine whether your premises fully comply with current hygiene standards.

For these reasons, calling on a specialized cleaning company is a simple, economical, and reassuring solution for the company manager who wants to guarantee a healthy working environment for his employees. Of course, this does not prevent you from continuing to make your employees aware of the regular maintenance of their workspaces. The more the premises are in good basic condition, the cheaper the bill from your cleaning service provider will be.

As you have just seen, there is no shortage of tips for keeping your business premises clean on a daily basis. By involving all employees in an organized manner and by educating them, you can maintain an acceptable level of cleanliness. The three key points for a healthy and pleasant working environment are

  • Raising employee awareness of cleanliness and visually reminding them of the basic rules
  • Encourage employees to clean up their work areas before leaving
  • the premises in the evening.
  • Use an outside company for the heavier tasks and the cleaning of common areas

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