If you’ve been regularly washing your mattress and bedding, but still can’t seem to get rid of that weird smell or dust mites, I strongly recommend steam cleaning.
In simple human words, it’s a more environmentally-friendly way to sanitize your mattress and keep it clean.
Vacuuming and Deodorizing the Mattress
Remove All Blankets, Sheets, and Pillows From the Bed
Before you begin, you must remove everything from the mattress. If you have a mattress topper, you should remove it as well, leaving the mattress completely exposed.
Pillows and mattress toppers absorb a lot of dead skin cells and sweat while you sleep, so wash them every few weeks or so, depending on your needs.
To Clean and Sanitize the Bedding, Wash and Dry It on High Heat
Sanitize, deodorize, and clean your sheets, pillows, pillowcases, and mattress toppers by washing them in hot water and drying them on high heat.
You may need to take your bedding to a laundromat or a dry cleaner depending on its size and material. To be sure, read the care instructions on the bedding’s tag.
Many pillows can be washed in the washing machine. The cleaning instructions can be found on the pillow’s tag.
Sprinkle Baking Soda All Over the Mattress to Deodorize It
Baking soda is excellent at removing odors from fabrics. Sprinkle at least 1 cup (240 mL) of baking soda evenly over a twin-sized mattress. You can adjust the quantity if your mattress is larger or smaller.
A queen or king-sized mattress may necessitate the use of the entire box of baking soda.
Commercial scented deodorizing powders are available, but baking soda lacks all of the chemical additives and works just as well.
If you want to lightly perfume your mattress, add a few drops of essential oil to the baking soda before sprinkling it on. To help deodorize and remove dust mites, use peppermint, lavender, or eucalyptus.
To help penetrate and remove stains from your mattress, mix a small amount of white vinegar or laundry detergent into the baking soda.
Allow at Least 1 Hour for the Baking Soda to Sit On the Mattress
Allowing the baking soda to sit allows it to absorb oils and smells. If the mattress has a strong odor, such as urine, you may want to let the baking soda sit for a longer period of time to ensure that all of the odor is removed.
Allow the baking soda to sit for up to 24 hours if possible for really bad odors.
With the Hand Attachment, Slowly and Thoroughly Vacuum the Mattress
After the baking soda has had time to sanitise the mattress, run the vacuum hand attachment slowly and in short strokes over the entire mattress. Keep the vacuum in place longer in areas where it comes into contact with skin, such as where you lay your head and feet, to pick up all the dead skin cells and dust mites.
You can clean your mattress with any hand attachment that came with your vacuum, though a wide-mouth hose attachment with a rotating brush is ideal.
Vacuuming prior to steam cleaning is critical because you want to remove as much loose fibers and dust particles as possible so that the steam cleaner can penetrate deeply into the mattress.
Steaming Time
Choose a steam machine that meets your requirements and fits your budget. Any machine capable of heating water to at least 212 °F (100 °C) will suffice. You can use a steaming iron, a clothes steamer, a household steam cleaner, or a large commercial rental if it has a steaming function.
Fill and Heat the Steamer as Directed by the Manufacturer
Most steamers will include a water tank, a heat-generating motor, and a wand for applying steam. Fill the water tank to the manufacturer’s recommended level and turn on the machine to warm up.
Using Long and Slow Strokes, Apply Steam to the Mattress Top
Place the steamer just above but not on top of the mattress. Begin by applying steam in 2 foot (61 cm) strokes to the top left corner of the mattress. Slowly, move to the right and down in even rows until the entire mattress top is covered in hot steam.
For a More Thorough Cleaning, Steam the Mattress’s Sides
To achieve maximum steam penetration, run the steamer along the sides of the mattress, working from top to bottom. This ensures that as many bacteria, mites, or bed bugs are killed as possible.
Allow 2-4 hours for the mattress to completely dry. The mattress will need at least 2-4 hours to dry completely, depending on how much steam you used to clean it. To expedite the process, run fans in the room, open the windows, and, if possible, move the mattress to an area of the room with direct sunlight.
When the Bed Is Completely Dry, Cover It With Clean Linens
Before you replace your bedding, double-check it by pressing down with a dry hand or a dry towel to check if there is any lingering moisture. Because sleeping on a damp or moist mattress can promote the growth of bacteria and mold, it is critical to ensure that it is completely dry before covering it and sleeping on it.